Finding out

Ok here we are in MRI I can't see anything except those fuzzy gray images. She measures the head first. The head looks good. The tech slides around the goop on wifee's belly. It's a boy she says. We are pleased. My wifee says that's it no more it is all bc after this. Goodbye babies hello fest! I just hope she doesn't spoil him while I'm gone.

At first I didn't see the sex then a couple of pictures in it became crystal clear. The tech was really good. She took like a bazillion pictures. First she used the little paddle thingy and then she had to use the little dildo wand and found that she might have a C section because she has complete placenta previa so she may have to undergo surgery at the same time the cerclage comes out.

Which means no fest frigg!! Ugggggggggggggggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!!!! No more cheating either it is literally a matter of life and death.

If she doesn't blog I'll send her your Salaams.

Blogging with my Treo... Man I love this thing.


  1. I went and typed in the previa thingy in a google search. SubhanAllah, brother. I pray that things go well and uneventful.....ameen. Congratulations on the little boy....!!! Isn't that wonderful? They are going to tell me what I'm having after Eid, insha Allah.....

    If you do the for members only blog...I MUST be invited, okay?

  2. InshAllah, all will go well for the duration of the pregnancy. I've had two friends with the same problem and know how serious it is, so please take extra special care of her, Muhammad and send her salaams from me.

    Any thoughts on possible names yet?

  3. Ibrahim is his name. I will send her your Salaams Jazakallah Khair.

    I am looking forward to know what you are having Safa. If I do a members only blog you will be the first to be invited :-).

    Thank you for your support.


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