The Big Pay Off

So this guilt thing is really getting to my wife. So we were out and got glasses for both her and my daughter because theirs was long since broken. So now the squinty pair is outfitted with new specs. We pick them up on Tuesday. We were supposed to get a set today but due to technical difficulties we didn’t, more on that to follow. So my wife is outside cleaning the car and everything because the cars are crap magnets for all kinds of stuff. Cars and cleanliness many a good man fail. Anyway I call her into the boudoir for a fresh romping before I have to go to work. She declines as is the usual coy trickery. I normally get a couple of declines before the yes. So she’s saying no and I’m calling her to come in and we cat and mouse back and forth. So she finally says yes and now I just have to wait until she gets off the phone with the boys mother that she is babysitting. In the time it takes her to get off the phone and get in the room I fall fast asleep. If she didn’t make so much noise coming into the room I would have just been asleep, but she roused me so it was on. Incidentally I used all of her words from the previous day to get her to come into the room. “Am I using you for sex, I feel that I’m forcing you” and some juicy others she said. I’m a man though so I tell her yes I am using you for sex so get in here. LOL.

So she comes in and she says that she wishes that she had a co-wife cause this would be one of those instances where she says look hun I’m busy can you go in and see about his needs could you please. I laugh, but I have all of my wife right before me and so she smacks me with “do you want me to find you a co-wife before I go to Yemen” I’m like Whoa nelly. She spouts off a sisters name when I ask her who and I’m like no that sister won’t do cause her kids are older and off the chain so no juice there. The one internet sister she met won’t do either cause of something that I’m not going to go into. Then I tell her that nevermind I’ll find one. Then she says okay. So I’m like whoooaaaaaa!!! (In my head though I have to focus on the tits I mean task at hand.) Now of course this goes against everything that she says she was comfortable with and it is like a blank page. That includes all kinds of women that adhere to the basic criteria. Muslim, serious about her Deen, Wears Hijab, prays without prompting and some others that I will list in another post. This green-light though supposedly opens the door to children, age, race, profession etcetera. I know that my wife confided this in me in a time of turmoil within herself so I’m not jumping the gun to run out and grab the first hijab wearing hussy that walks into the Masjid this potential green-light makes the search more rigorous and stringent I think. If I am to be entrusted in picking her out I need to be extra careful and keep things objective. It is a relief though and I am excited to begin the search.

Thinking back though I probably would be more immediately satisfied with the camera that I want or that BMW Bike, but this is good, very good. Very, very very very very good.

My wife just called my while I was blogging so I'm expecting a good conversation over this.


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