Dog the Bounty Hunter says Nigger

Ok honestly I really don't care that Dog said Nigger. In this day and age how can you honestly blame anyone for saying nigger. There are cream of the crop white people calling each other nigger this day and age. It is everywhere in the movies, on the radio, in comedy and definitely definitely in rap music. I say if you are not going to bust 50 cent, DMX and just about everybody else earning money in the entertainment industry for saying Nigger then you can't bust Dog. That is just my personal opinion. Nigger has become such a widely used word that it is really becoming ridiculous to fault anyone saying nigger. So if you are white and you LOVE DMX you can't roll down the street playing My Niggaz? Come on. I'm not saying that racism isn't out there and people don't use it in the original demoralizing context but if you quantify the use of nigger over any other supposedly demoralizing phrase it is the one that has been accepted and embraced by an unfortunate multitude of people so much so that the word has transcended race and teeters on being defined as something completely different than the insult that it started out as. In fact anyone who uses in that context is quickly moving toward insulting themselves as an ignorant racist.

That said there are unfortunately places in this country where it retains its original meaning in all of its ignorant bliss. Jena Louisiana for instance. So that is my take. What do you think?

Duane "Dog" Chapman: I don't care if she's a Mexican, a whore or whatever.
It's not because she's black, it's because we use the word ni**er sometimes
here. I'm not gonna take a chance ever in life of losing everything I've worked
for for 30 years because some fucking ni**er heard us say ni**er and turned us
in to the Enquirer magazine. Our career is over! I'm not taking that chance at
all! Never in life! Never! Never! If Lyssa [Dog's daughter] was dating a ni**er,
we would all say 'fuck you!' And you know that. If Lyssa brought a black guy
home ya da da... it's not that they're black, it's none of that. It's that we
use the word ni**er. We don't mean you fucking scum ni**er without a soul. We
don't mean that shit. But America would think we mean that. And we're not taking
a chance on losing everything we got over a racial slur because our son goes
with a girl like that. I can't do that Tucker. You can't expect Gary, Bonnie,
Cecily, all them young kids to [garbled] because 'I'm in love for 7 months' -
fuck that! So, I'll help you get another job but you can not work here unless
you break up with her and she's out of your life. I can't handle that shit. I
got 'em in the parking lot trying to record us. I got that girl saying she's
gonna wear a recorder...

Tucker Chapman: I don't even know what to say.


  1. wow you r very open minded and smart

  2. wow you r very open minded and smart

  3. Although I cringe when I hear it, I have to agree with you that the word has undergone a transformation since the popularity of rap increased among young people. Because most of them don't have the experience that some of us older folks have with the word, it doesn't carry the same meaning to many of the younger generation. It's the same with bitch. In my day, that was a fighting word and anyone who called a girl by that name knew to expect a brawl. Today, however, the term is used as a sign of friendship. I see it on the college campus where I teach all the time. Go figure!

  4. I'm glad you are open minded enough to see it for what it is lately. I am white, and me and my friends all joke around with all racial slurs, cracker and honkey included. Who really cares? theyre just jokes. One of my best friends andre will greet me with a joke some times like "what up honkey" and i'll joke back like "not a thing nigger" and it is not taken seriously in any way, because honestly if either of us had race issues, would we be hanging out together? i think its more ignorant for people to get so bent out of shape about the words nowadays than to actually say them, unless of course you mean it in a demeaning racist manner. Good post my friend.

  5. Interesting thoughts, but your argument is sloppy. In the examples you list above, you are illustrating the use of "nigger" in innocuous contexts. However, Dog the Bounty Hunter used it to add an extra sting to his lengthy diatribe. It was not being used in a manner that was meant to be inoffensive, just like what I'm about to say to you. Personally, I don't like coons, but I find it necessary for them to understand that they are being being admonished when being called niggers.

  6. No Anon what you find "Necessary" is for people to be offended. However if only you are irritated when your blatantly shallow admonishment of Niggers falls on deaf ears then the innoculation of the word Nigger has succeeded. If Fags stop being offended by the use of the word Fag then they too have transcended the bigotry and small mindedness that you and your kind exhibit. The very fact of the matter is that the only thing that exist between Insult and passing comment is care. I personally don't care what you say as long as you don't touch me or my stuff. If you choose to cross that line then I will reserve the right to shoot you in the face either before or after contacting my local authorities.

    Racism exists, it always will. Satan was the first Racist and anyone who follows his example will follow in his footsteps. So you see I can really care less about your opinion, the only real loser here is you.

    May you be guided to the truth.

  7. Frankly Anon in this conversation I see someone who is not racist but by the very popularity of the word uses it in his vocabulary. I may be on cloud nine, but socially there is a difference between 50 Cent using the word Nigger around his house and Dog the Bounty Hunter using it. I have way too many white friends that love Popular Black Culture to be immune from the word nigger.

    There are some of us that don't allow ourselves to get caught up into using any type of slang at all, but for most social circles slang is accepted and integrated into their vocabulary and that vocabulary isn't always popular. Dog just so happened to get caught out for 50 pieces of silver.

    You however Anon are a racist and your ignorance shows through in your shortsighted and unintelligent comment.

  8. To me, there are blacks and there are niggers. Blacks are people of the human race just like any other. Niggers are the type of worthless cocksucker that gives the blacks a bad rap. Unfortunately, all too often these douschebags have to act like such unbelievable piles of scum that they truly deserve to be called a nigger. They are ignorant, racist and usually criminal types.

    Don't get me wrong, I have nothing against a man's skin color. In fact I could give a fuck. However, I really get tired of reverse discrimination. We should all be treated equally, not some better than others, unless you act like a pile of last weeks garbage. If you choose to be a scumbag you deserve to get treated like one regardless of your race, religion, sexuality or gender.

    Everyone needs to quit whining and bitching.

  9. Your comments are missing the point. Nigger in the connotation that you are using it is a general for all ignorant people. The persons race is interchangeable with the behavior being displayed. Therefore Rednecks could be Niggers as well. If the term is being applied to any ignorant person than yes. It isn't that Niggers give blacks a bad name it is ignorant people of any race give the race itself a bad name.


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