Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater

This last Friday I spent the evening with two beautiful young girls (my daughters) and may Allah bless my Mom she is truly why I love cultural events museums and artsy stuff like that. The girls enjoyed it although I think that it was a little too late for the 4 year old. She never stops moving, I think she has an extra special dose of A.D.D. She literally never stops moving.

In between the constant squirming and kicking of seats I had enjoyed an incredible performance by Alvin Ailey's Dance group. It was the most powerful expression of dance I have ever seen. Next time I will remember to bring my ballet binoculars. The Adrianne Arscht Theater is beautifully laid out even though we had nose bleed seats we were able to see everything and I think that if I were able to choose seating I wouldn't want to be all the way up front because then you are like too close. It was an awesome experience though I can't tell you how much I enjoyed it.

It was a compilation of his works and at the end they did Revelations and it was truly riveting. I give them a huge hurrah for their performance. It was my first time seeing "Professional" Dance and like golf it is something that can only be appreciated in person. At least by me, the television doesn't provide the same feel and it is so sans-life. Getting out and living life is what life is all about. There are multiple benefits of life without television, hold on I'm getting off topic.

This is the first live big production Dance recital I have seen and the first thing I appreciated was the choreography. The visually stunning imagery of synchronized motions was beautiful. The expressions of lovers and relationships through dance I thought was particularly interesting. How it was expressed through powerful motion was exceptionally interesting. I can't name all of the pieces that they performed so as an untrained viewer each piece ran together with an intermission between the first set and the Revelations set, but they were all awesome. Very much worth it.

The strength of the men was very apparent through the articulation of movements and how they handled the women was fluid in motion. The grand difference that I saw was the huge difference between this kind of dancing and hip hop (Yes I know we are talking about apples and oranges) however the professionalism and the intricate detail of movements and the care in which each movement was articulated is really what sets street dance and professional dance apart. You have to relate new things with things that you know.

How he choreographed feeling and emotion and turmoil between couples I thought was exceptionally powerful (I think I already said that). So however the piece where the couple are going through their turmoil was beautifully articulated with strength and passion you could truly see the inner struggle between the couple and it was just beautiful. I really enjoyed myself.

I have been learning the value of getting out and living life and my blog has suffered because of it. Anything that I have to get done has to get done before the weekend. When the weekend hits then it is a little too late because it is a constant moving and even when we are all at home there is never a dull moment. So that is what it is. I love life without a television but that is something I will save for a separate post.


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