It is official now

Ok so today I prayed for it. I prayed for clarity in decision making and clarity in choice. I don’t think that my wife fully understands or rather believes me when I say that whoever is coming into our union I would not allow willy-nilly. Kicking it on the street is one thing but bringing it into your house is something entirely different. I suppose that is fine if she views my justifications as purely sexual. That’s fine however I believe that when my family is concerned there is nothing sexual about it. Who I envision is first someone that my wife can coexist with in peace and harmony and trust. Someone who is non-threatening towards our relationship and will bring the bonds of love closer. Second someone who shares our belief and has the same faith goals for us and all children involved. Someone who is genuine and open, willing to share feelings and communication. Sex is something that is really only about 1% of the relationship so the evaluation that I place on the individual will go much deeper. Looks are a bonus, but personal depth is more essential to a lasting relationship.


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