Try this Proof of God video

So I started this channel the end times strategy channel with the hopes of adding to the webosphere some helpful tidbits about God and what is expected in the times to come and since we know what is to come it should then be rather simple to prepare for it.

In this video, I try to put down the first principles of what it means to navigate through the world of belief. The belief in God. How you believe in God is the most important because it is the easiest to corrupt if you do not have proper understanding. Without proper understanding, this essential building block of faith is corrupted and once corrupted the whole human's thinking is corrupted.

So this is my attempt if you are out there internet let me know what you think. My essential logical argument is this. That which is finite cannot exist without infinity and it is that infinity that is God. That which is finite all shares a collective dependency and because of dependency, it must draw from that which is independent. This comes into play when we read in Islam about the 7 realms or the multi-dimensional levels of heaven and hell. Where each one is seemingly infinitely larger than the other. When the physical universe is compared to the lowest heaven it would be as if you took a stone and cast it out into the ocean and the displacement thereof is relevant to the next level of heaven. This is repeated for each subsequent heaven all the way up until the Arsh(Throne) of Allah. All heavens are incredibly larger than the first but all of them are dependent upon Allah for their sustenance.

I have interacted with some of the questioners on the video to get a better perspective of where they are coming from and as it turns out my logic goes over their head. Now probably it goes over their head because of some pre-established definition of God. Even an atheist has a definition of what God is or is not and therefore has an expectation as to what they are disputing. I find it interesting. I would actually like to debate Neil Degrasse Tyson on this and see what things he comes up with. The basic argument is that if it is dependent then it must be sustained and if it is finite then it is dependent by the law of principle and therefore it must be contained. All that is dependent and finite is completely scalable whereas we see the universe as awe demanding reality, it is ultimately the head of a needle when compared to infinity.

I would like to hear your comments and perceptions about the video. Thank you.


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